J. Borsarelli et al., RESPECTIVE VALUE OF PARAMETERS OF RELATIV E COMPLEXITY INDEX BETA, Annales francaises d'anesthesie et de reanimation, 12(6), 1993, pp. 528-532
The Relative Complexity Index beta (RCI beta) has been devised as an i
ndicator of the relative complexity and cost of anaesthesia. It takes
into account the type of anaesthesia, the duration, the type of surger
y and the patients' ASA status. This study analyses the relative weigh
t of each component of RCI by a multiple regression analysis. The resu
lts show the pre-eminence of the surgical procedure in the formula. Th
e weight of surgical procedure is responsible of 80 p. cent of the mod
el's variance. In these conditions, the RCI beta cannot be accepted as
an accurate complexity index of anaesthesia.