This paper describes a participant observation study carried out on a
ward for elderly functionally ill people in a large psychiatric hospit
al in the Midlands, England. My initial interest was in observing the
process of institutionalization, and attempts made to counter this pro
cess. As the project developed I became interested in four specific cu
ltural domains: the use of space, particularly the ward office; the re
lationship between ward staff and 'outsiders' or 'others'; the functio
ns of staff handovers; and the characteristics of the physical setting
. In my conclusions I describe the relationship between space and the
use of space, and the structure of authority and communication on the
ward and between the ward and the 'outside world'. I also discuss the
functions of handover in terms of the transfer of responsibility, and
the psychological process which, it seems to me, underlines the split
between 'good' and 'bad' others. I suggest the possibility that this l
ine of research might be extended, and that a synthesy between sociolo
gical insight and group dynamic theory might offer a fruitful way forw