We report VLA(1) A-configuration studies of a sample of 49 radio galax
ies at redshift less than 1. These were selected with no prior knowled
ge of their morphology and were chosen to match the redshift and lumin
osity distribution of a previously studied sample of radio-loud quasar
s. We compare the radio galaxies with the quasar sample and also with
a sample of 29 radio galaxies selected for steep spectrum and double-l
obe structure. We find that the radio galaxies have more luminous lobe
s and mostly weaker cores, and there is no population of one-sided sou
rces associated with the galaxies. The radio galaxies' lobe length rat
ios and lobe power ratios differ from quasars. The overall sizes of th
e two types of sources are similar, but the radio galaxies have a 3 ti
mes larger upper envelope. The distribution of bend angles is similar
but the radio galaxies have fewer very bent and straight sources. We d
iscuss these and other comparisons in detail and suggest that while qu
asars appear to be viewed within a cone and radio galaxies outside it,
the two types of source also have intrinsic differences, and both hav
e individual growth and evolution scenarios. This is supported by prev
iously observed differences in optical properties between the two sour
ce types.