RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES. The frequency and morphology of central acet
abular osteophyte formation were evaluated in patients with osteoarthr
itis; METHODS. One hundred preserved acetabular specimens were evaluat
ed for the occurence of cental osteophytes (excrescences present in th
e articulation of the hip joint), their relationship to marginal and f
emoral osteophytes of the hip, and their radiographic appearance. RESU
LTS. In both specimen and patient analysis, the authors found that cen
tral excrescences occur commonly and appear to be related temporally t
o osteophytes of the femur and the margin of the acetabulum. CONCLUSIO
NS. The authors demonstrated a close relationship between the degree o
f marginal and femoral osteophytes with those found centrally, indicat
ing a temporal relationship. The new radiographic signs discussed are:
1) a fine linear density associated with early osteoarthritis; 2) lar
ger, more irregular densities associated with a more advanced stage of
osteoarthritis; and 3) obliteration of the acetabular fossa by excres
cences as found in severe osteoarthritis.