Davidsen et al. (1991) have argued that the failure to detect UV photo
ns from the dark matter (DM) in cluster A665 excludes the decaying neu
trino hypothesis. Sciama et al. (1993) argued that because of high cen
tral concentration the DM in that cluster must be baryonic. We study t
he DM profile in clusters of galaxies simulated using the Harrison-Zel
'dovich spectrum of density fluctuations, and an amplitude previously
derived from numerical simulations (Melott 1984b; Anninos et al. 1991)
and in agreement with microwave background fluctuations (Smoot et al.
1992). We find that with this amplitude normalization cluster neutrin
o DM densities are comparable to observed cluster DM values. We conclu
de that given this normalization, the cluster DM should be at least la
rgely composed of neutrinos. The constraint of Davidsen et al. can be
somewhat weakened by the presence of baryonic DM; but it cannot be eli
minated given our assumptions.