We believe that the use of prosthetic grafts is justified in the treat
ment of long occlusions of the superficial femoral artery. However the
surgery should only be done in cases where patients are suffering fro
m severe claudication and in cases of critical ischemia of the lower l
imbs.We report herein the mid-term results of an European multicentric
prospective study of a new prosthesis which is compliant, ultraporous
and made of polycarbonate. We found a patency similar to that obtaine
d with PTFE grafts as reported in the literature. In these indications
, the choice of prosthetic grafts allows for a better management of at
herosclerosis arterial disease. Thus autologous saphenous veins are st
ill available to treat coronary artery disease or femoro tibial occlus
ion which remain a frequent evolution in that type of patient.