We studied the effect of topical anesthesia on infant stress and corne
al haze during the routine eye examination for retinopathy of prematur
ity. Using a double-blind protocol, 55 premature infants weighing less
than 1501 g at birth were selected randomly to receive normal saline
or proparacaine HCl 0.5% eye drops as a corneal wetting agent at their
initial eye examination. Before, during, and after the procedure, inf
ant stress was evaluated by heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressu
re, and transcutaneous oxygen saturation. Subjective assessment of the
infant's cry intensity and corneal haze also were recorded. Adequate
data were collected on 42 patients. Using analysis of variance and chi
-square tests, we found no difference in any of these parameters betwe
en the two patient groups. These data suggest that topical anesthetic
agents offer no advantage over normal saline eye drops during the exam
ination of premature infants.