We use a modified form of the Stillinger-Weber potential to obtain the
binding sites and diffusion barriers of a Si adatom in the vicinity o
f single F and B type dimers on the Si(001)-2 X 1 surface. We find tha
t both kinds of dimer provide good sinks for adatoms and are therefore
ideal nucleation sites, provided the temperature is not too high as t
o induce dimer breaking. Our results also show that adatoms can be tra
pped in non-lattice sites surrounding the F type dimer, leading to a d
isordering of the growing epitaxial film. Monte Carlo simulated anneal
ing indicates that adatoms at these ''defect'' sites are vertically di
splaced with respect to those adsorbed on the epitaxial sites, giving
rise to step structures that closely resemble those proposed by Falta
and Henzler [Surf. Sci 269/270 (1992) 14] to account for their SPA-LEE
D results.