The morphological study of odontomas provides an alternative model for
observing the formation of dental tissues, since different maturing s
tages are present simultaneously. Investigations were performed on dec
alcified samples (using light microscopy and transmission electron mic
roscopy) and on undecalcified samples of complex odontoma enamel (usin
g transmission electron microscopy). Simultaneous presence of prismati
c enamel at various maturing stages with different structural characte
ristics was observed. Such enamel was sometimes associated with layers
of ameloblastic cells with characteristics of cells in functional act
ivity. In other sites, the enamel did not present a prismatic structur
e but it appeared as unstructured material clusters with abundant orga
nic component. It was concluded that the theory according to which an
ecto-mesenchymal inductive failure occurs in odontomas is not confirme
d. The defect seen at the beginning of the differentiated and anomalou
s tissue maturation may be related to latest events in the development
of the enamel organ. In this regard, it was concluded that such event
s involve the efficiency of the ameloblasts and the possible alteratio
ns in the organic matrix.