Two sets of animal experiments using guinea pigs were planned to evalu
ate the effect of ascorbic acid supplementation on the lithogenic proc
ess. In the first set of experiments, 10, 40, and 60 mg doses of ascor
bic acid/100g body weight/day were given for 105 days. Neither of the
ascorbic acid doses given induced crystalluria, calcification or stone
formation, thereby confirming our previous findings that ascorbic aci
d in the doses used by clinicians does not cause urolith formation. In
the second set of experiments, ascorbic acid was supplemented in hype
rcalciuric (induced by calcium carbonate feeding) and hyperoxaluric (i
nduced by sodium oxalate feeding) animals for 45 days. The results ind
icated that it exacerbated the calcification process in renal and blad
der tissue.