Gas chromatography (GC) analysis of 159 specimens (144 females and 15
males) of Lutzomyia youngi collected in Shannon traps in a coffee plan
tation in the Andean region of western Venezuela, where leishmaniasis
is endemic, revealed the presence of fructose, sucrose, glucose and ma
ltose in the gut and crop of the wild sandflies. The identification of
the sugars was confirmed by comparing retention times with those obse
rved for standard sugars and those obtained from sandflies experimenta
lly fed on known sugar solutions. Although the sandflies in nature may
ingest each of the four sugars, the results suggest that it is more p
robable there is an invertase enzyme (glycosidase?) in the gut or crop
of the sandfly which hydrolyses ingested disaccharides (e.g. sucrose)
to the constituent monosaccharides (i.e. fructose and glucose). Ecolo
gical and altitudinal distributions of sandfly species may be related
to the availability of specific sugar sources, with epidemiological im
plications. Identification of the preferred sugar could make breeding
easier and would facilitate further research on Leishmania-vector rela