Background: We studied the incidence and clinical significance of earl
y post-traumatic seizures after severe closed head injury. Methods: Th
is prospective study is based on clinical observation of 3340 adult pa
tients with severe closed head injuries, each of them having a Glasgow
Coma Scale (GCS) 3 to 8 after trauma. Anticonvulsant agents were not
given to these patients unless there was evidence of seizure. Results:
One hundred and twenty-one patients (3.6%) experienced seizures withi
n 1 week after head injury; 42 of these (1.26% of the series) had seiz
ures within 24 hours after trauma. The incidence of intracerebral pare
nchymal damage was found to be higher among those patients who develop
ed seizures in the first week (66.1%) than in those who did not (62.7%
). However this result did not reach statistical significance, The pat
ients with early seizures had a lower mortality rate (p < 0.01). In pa
tients who survived from the initial injury, the occurrence of early p
ost-traumatic seizures did not appear to influence the neurological re
covery at 6 months after injury. Conclusion: Presence of intracerebral
parenchymal damage on CT scan after severe closed head injury does no
t increase the risk of early post-traumatic seizures. With proper trea
tment, patients presenting with early seizures may have a lower mortal
ity rate. However, the occurrence of early seizures does not influence
the neurological recovery in patients who survive the initial severe
closed head injury.