The parental transmission of HLA-2 antigen in association with the epi
topes BW4 and BW6 (class I HLA haplotypes locus A,B) was analyzed in s
ons and daughters from 42 families in which one of the parents carried
the HLA-A2 antigen. When the parental transmission of A2 BW4 and A2 B
W6 was compared, it was observed that a significantly higher number of
siblings inherited the haplotype A2 BW4 from the paternal than from t
he maternal haplotype. Although the number of cases is small, the mode
of inheritance of haplotype A2 BW6 was completely different. The gene
tic distortion in the transmission of HLA-2 BW4 and HLA-2 BW6 was obse
rved in children of both sexes.