Measurements of denitrification using the acetylene inhibition, N-15 i
sotope tracer, and N-2 flux methods were carried out concurrently usin
g sediment cores from Vilhelmsborg so, Denmark, in an attempt to clari
fy some of the limitations of each technique. Three experimental treat
ments of overlying water were used: control, nitrate enriched, and amm
onia enriched water. The N-2 flux and N-15 tracer experiments showed h
igh rates of coupled nitrification/denitrification in the sediments. T
he acetylene inhibition method did not capture any coupled nitrificati
on/denitrification. This could be explained by acetylene inhibition of
nitrification. A combined N-15 tracer/acetylene inhibition experiment
demonstrated that acetylene inhibition of N2O reduction was incomplet
e and the method, therefore, only measured approximately 50% of the de
nitrification due to nitrate from the overlying water. Similar rates o
f denitrification due to nitrate in the overlying water were measured
by the N-2 flux method and the acetylene inhibition method, after corr
ecting for the 50% efficiency of acetylene inhibition. Rates of denitr
ification due to nitrate from the overlying water measured by the N-15
tracer method, however, were only approximately 35% or less of those
measured by the acetylene inhibition or N-2 flux methods.