The first direct observation of the velocity distribution of the metas
table Ar-+((2)G(9/2)) ions in the presheath of an inductively coupled
plasma has been achieved by using the Doppler shifted laser induced f
luorescence technique. Drift of the ions along the electric field in t
he presheath is observed and distribution functions of the velocity in
both parallel and perpendicular directions, relative to the E field,
are deduced at 5 and 40 mTorr. Present results show that in high densi
ty plasmas the velocity distribution of the metastable ions is directl
y related to that of the ground state argon ions, Neutral gas temperat
ure of around 600 K is also measured from the absorption profile of a
diode laser beam, set on one of the 772.4 nm argon lines. (C) 1997 Ame
rican Institute of Physics.