Stereotactic radiosurgery was applied to concentrate high dose of phot
on irradiation to tumors enclosed in the cavernous sinus. We have trea
ted 10 meningiomas, five pituitary tumors, and three metastatic lesion
s in the past two years. Follow-up time ranges from 3 to 18 months wit
h an average of 10 months. Tumor volume ranged from 0.92 to 53.31 cc w
ith an average 10.79 cc. CT scans and MRIs were used to demonstrate th
e tumor relationship to cranial nerves and structures of the brain. On
e to 6 isocenters were used. Collimator size varied from 7 to 28 mm, a
nd the dose to the margin of the tumor ranged from 1400 to 2500 cGy wi
th an average of 1650 cGy. Maximal dose range of 1575 to 5000 cGy. The
margin of the tumor was encompassed within the 50 to 95% isodose volu
me with an average treatment prescribed to the 57% isodose volume. Sym
ptomatic response was seen in 12 patients, and stabilization of sympto
ms in three patients with progression of symptoms observed in three pa
tients. Radiographic imaging revealed response in eight patients, unch
anged in three patients and progression in three patients. This report
shows the feasibility of applying linear accelerator radiosurgery to
the treatment of cavernous sinus tumors. This form of therapy promises
to play an important role in complementing tumor resection.