Availability of soil P fractions and mechanisms of acquisition by plan
ts were studied. Plants mobilize soil P by desorption via depletion of
P solution concentration around roots. In an oxisol, the process was
enhanced by nitrate N nutrition of ryegrass, which increased soil pH,
and by carboxylate release by white lupin. Ligand exchange and Fe/Al s
olubilization are assumed to be the mechanisms. Ammonium N nutrition o
f ryegrass decreased pH and allowed P mobilization in a luvisol but ha
d no such effect in an oxisol, due to acid solubility of P in these so
ils. Organic P dissolved in soil solution contributed one third to the
P uptake of field-grown barley on a luvisol. Laboratory experiments s
uggest that organic P is hydrolyzed by phosphatases at the root surfac
e and replenished by micro-organisms.