Sodium/calcium interactions were compared in two species of wheat know
n to differ in sodium accumulation in the shoot and biomass reduction
under saline conditions. Unidirectional uptake of Na-22 to the roots w
as measured in 5, 50, 100 and 150 mM NaCl with four levels of calcium
activity. Translocation of sodium to the shoot was measured as Na-22 u
ptake over 7 days. The rate of sodium uptake into the roots did not va
ry between the salt-sensitive Triticum turgidum cv. Modoc and the tole
rant Triticum aestivum cv. Kharchia, except at low calcium, when the r
ate of uptake was higher in Kharchia, and more sensitive to inhibition
by additional calcium. The rate of translocation to the shoot was sim
ilar in both species, however the shoot:root ratio was higher in Kharc
hia and so the concentration of sodium, on a shoot fresh weight basis,
was more dilute in Kharchia. There was no evidence for differences in
sodium transport processes between the species which might confer dif
ferential salinity tolerance. Translocation of calcium to the shoot wa
s measured as Ca-45 uptake in 5 and 150 mM NaCl with 4 levels of calci
um activity. Translocation of calcium was more inhibited by sodium in
the salt-sensitive Modoc, and this may reflect differences in calcium
transport processes, which could account in part for the greater salt
sensitivity of this species.