Young's modulus, maximum rupture stress and compression energy to brea
k values were determined for pure agarose (5g/1 and 10g/1) and 1:1 aga
rose-guar gum mixed gels of 10g/1 total polymer concentration. The enh
ancing effect of guar gum was noticed particularly on the tenacity par
ameter, Transmission electron microscopy, TEM, was used to image the s
upramolecular structure of 1:1 agarose-guar gum gels. Before sample pr
eparation for TEM, the hot aqueous solutions have been submitted to sl
ow cooling until a determined temperature was reached, and then quench
ed to -78 degrees C. When this temperature was higher than the critica
l temperature of gelation, agarose-guar gum mixed samples formed aggre
gated structures, promoted by freezing. Below gelation, although guar
gum continued producing aggregates, agarose appeared as continuous net
work structures. This result was related to the stabilizing role of gu
ar gum.