We have confirmed the 1974 report of the discovery of element 106 by G
hiorso et al. The 0.9-s (263)106 was produced at the Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory 88-Inch Cyclotron via the Cf-249(O-18, 4n)(263)106 reactio
n using a beam of 95-MeV O-18 ions. Positive identification of (263)10
6 was made by observing its a decay followed closely in time by the a
decay of the 259Rf daughter. Our rotating wheel system was used in a s
pecial parent-daughter mode with six pairs of detectors. The (263)106
half-life, a-decay energy, and production cross section are consistent
with those measured by Ghiorso el al. The half-life and a-decay energ
ies of the 259Rf daughter events are also consistent with those previo
usly published.