Background: Radiotherapy is effective for the management of most uveal
metastases, and standard external beam radiotherapy is generally admi
nistered during a 3- to 4-week period. For those patients in whom exte
rnal beam radiotherapy or other methods fail or those patients with so
litary uveal metastases, plaque radiotherapy may be an alternative met
hod. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of plaque radiotherapy
for the management of uveal metastasis. Methods: A retrospective revie
w of 36 patients with uveal metastases who were examined at the Oncolo
gy Service at Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa, and treated with p
laque radiotherapy. The clinical findings and follow-up data of the pr
imary tumor and the uveal metastasis were analyzed. Results: Of the 36
patients, 27 (75%) received plaque treatment as primary therapy for t
he uveal metastasis and 9 (25%) received plaque treatment as secondary
therapy after failure of the uveal tumor to respond to external beam
radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or hormonal therapy. During treatment, 22
patients (61%) had no other systemic metastasis and 14 (39%) had contr
olled systemic metastasis. No patients had active metastasis elsewhere
. The uveal metastasis was solitary and well circumscribed in all but
1 patient, it measured a mean of 11 mm in basal dimension and 4 mm in
thickness. The mean; time for treatment was 86 hours, and the mean the
rapeutic dose was 68.80 Gy to the tumor apex and 235.64 Gy to the tumo
r base. Regression of the uveal metastasis was documented in 34 patien
ts (94%) during a mean follow-up of II months. As early as 3 months af
ter treatment, the mean tumor thickness had decreased to 2 mm. Plaque
radiotherapy salvaged 5 of the 6 eyes that had failed prior external b
eam radiotherapy. Radiation retinopathy, radiation papillopathy, or bo
th were found in 3 patients (8%) and occurred at a mean of 8 months af
ter treatment. At the last examination, 18 patients (50%) were alive (
11 with and 7 without active systemic metastasis) and 18 (50%) were de
ad from systemic metastasis. Conclusions: Plaque radiotherapy is an ef
fective method for treating selected solitary uveal metastasis. It off
ers a high degree of tumor control, especially for those eyes in which
other methods have failed. Plaque treatment is provided during a shor
t period, minimizing the time demand for these patients with a limited
life expectancy.