Respiratory infections are the most common infection in children. They
differ remarkably according to age, bacteria and viruses. Therefore a
careful history of outbreak, age, former infections, involvement of s
urroundings, symptoms, etc are essential. The present study included 5
0 children, aged between 0.3 and 12 yrs, all treated ambulatorily. 21
received brodimoprim (B) and 29 erythromycin (E). Indications were: to
nsillitis, bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis and scarlet fever. Dosa
ges were: B was given 10mg/kg body weight (b.w.) initially followed by
5mg/kg b.w., once-a-day. The duration of treatment varied between 4 a
nd 14 days (mean 8.3 days). E was given 30-50mg/kg b.w. 3 times per da
y; duration 4 to 14 days (mean 8.6 days). Overall results were: in gro
up B:12 cures, 5 improvements, 3 failures; 1 not assessable. In group
E: 20 cures, 8 improvements, 1 failure. Side effects: in group B: vomi
ting (1), skin reaction (2), discontinuation (2); in group E: skin rea
ction (1), diarrhea (5), diarrhea + vomiting (1); discontinuation (2).
The differences in efficacy and tolerability in the two groups are no
t statistically significant. The improved compliance with a single ver
sus t.i.d. dosages has to be taken into account.