Two studies were conducted to examine the dispositional nature of the
time management construct. In the first study, 93 undergraduate studen
ts completed the Time Management Behavior Scale (TMBS) and three other
time-attitude scales. An examination of the correlations between the
overall scales and sub-scales provided support for the convergent vali
dity of the TMBS. In the second study, undergraduate students complete
d the TMBS and the Sense of Coherence (SOC) scale at two points in the
academic semester: High stress (n = 106) and low stress (n = 92). TMB
S was positively and signficantly correlated with SOC at both time per
iods. Moreover, students' self-reported use of time management behavio
rs remained relatively stable under varying levels of academic pressur
e providing some support for the dispositional nature of the time mana
gement construct.