Jcj. Dean et M. Burke, AN INTERCOMPARISON OF RN-222 MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS IN EUROPEAN LABORATORIES, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 339(1-2), 1994, pp. 264-270
Recent years have seen an increase in awareness of the health hazards
posed by environmental Rn-222. This has led to a large increase in the
number of studies pertaining to this nuclide, which in turn has led t
o a requirement for standards and calibration facilities. A recent mee
ting of European national standards laboratories (under the EUROMET sc
heme) revealed that many laboratories had developed (or were developin
g) measurement systems for Rn-222. It was decided that an intercompari
son of these systems would serve to demonstrate the consistency of mea
surements being made within EUROMET laboratories and increase confiden
ce among participants. A subsequent survey conducted by the National P
hysical Laboratory led to the establishment of an intercomparison invo
lving thirteen laboratories (including NPL itself). NPL conducted the
intercomparison exercise by generating and standardizing a set of Rn-2
22 samples, and dispatching a unique subset of samples to each partici
pating laboratory. The laboratories measured their samples and reporte
d the results to NPL. The results of the exercise are presented and di