Dfg. Reher et al., 2ND EUROMET COMPARISON OF AIR KERMA RATE AND ACTIVITY MEASUREMENTS OFIR-192 BRACHYTHERAPY WIRES, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 339(1-2), 1994, pp. 386-390
At the occasion of the EUROMET Workshop on Ionising Radiation and Radi
oactivity at the NPL, it was decided to carry out a second intercompar
ison on air kerma rate (AKR) and activity measurements on Ir-192 brach
ytherapy sources in the frame of EUROMET project no. 219. The intercom
parison has shown that both air kerma rate measurements and activity m
easurements of Ir-192 brachytherapy wires are not trivial. One of the
drawbacks is the appreciable inhomogeneity of the wires. Disregarding
some outliers, the spread of the AKR measurements was below 1.5%, whil
e the variation in the activity measurements was very large, due to re
asons which are not completely understood.