The distribution of haemoglobins C and S was studied in a population o
f caste and non caste Dogons living in villages located on the plateau
and scree regions in the Sangha department of Mall. Results showed a
15.77% prevalence of haemoglobinopathy AC. Haemoglobin C was found in
both plateau and scree villages and equally among caste and non caste
Dogons, while the homozygous form CC was absent in non Dogons. The pre
valence of haemoglobinopathy AS was extremely low with a calculated fr
equency of 3.05%, allele S being restricted to areas where one is like
ly to encounter populations other than the Dogon people. Homozygotes S
S were nor detected and the phenotype SC was only rarely identified An
overall analysis of these data nor only suggests that allele S is of
recent introduction in the Dogons but also raises the question as to w
hether their origin is not the voltaic rather than the Manding plateau
. Studies of marriage patterns and haplotypes currently in progress sh
ould enable resolution of this controversy.