The precise embryological source for fat in juxta-position to the vert
ical portion of the seventh nerve in the mastoid is unknown. Seventeen
percent of 240 temporal bones disclosed various amounts of fat adjace
nt to this portion of the nerve. Shiny areas of fat granules are occas
ionally seen around, and perhaps at first glance mistaken for, the sev
enth nerve during mastoid surgery. The radiographic appearance of fat
in this area has not been described. Bilateral 1-cm ovoid images were
interpreted in a 16-year-old girl as seventh nerve neuromas or perhaps
hemangiomas, but were surgically proven to be a lipoma in the only ea
r operated on. Lipoma should be considered in the differential diagnos
is for a mass in this location which demonstrates increased T1 signal,
progressive decreased signal on T2-weighted images, and has signal in
tensity isodense with that of fat.