In 1934 the Chicago physician R.T. Woodyatt suggested that 'The histor
y of diabetes has been marked by recurrence of certain ideas which dec
line and disappear; only to go through a similar cycle again in an alt
ered form in a new generation'. This has been particularly true of the
concept of brittle diabetes which Woodyatt himself introduced in the
1930s. He never wrote a paper on the subject but contemporaries unders
tood it to refer to excessive fluctuations of blood sugar which could
not be explained by patient or physician errors; the cardinal feature
was unpredictability and unexpected hypoglycaemic reactions. Also in t
he 1930s, practitioners of the newly formed psychosomatic movement too
k an interest in the effect of emotional factors on the course of diab
etes and, in particular, patients who were 'difficult' or 'refractory'
. What marked 'difficult' patients was that they did not follow their
doctor's instructions or had recurrent diabetic ketoacidosis. By the 1
950s the question was whether there were two distinct groups of patien
ts; one whose lability could be cured by adjusting insulin, diet, and
exercise, and another whose lability had an emotional origin. Did prop
onents of the organic school have patients (unreported) in whom labili
ty had an obvious emotional cause or, conversely, were the psychosocia
l problems which the psychiatrists unearthed a consequence rather than
a cause of the instability? My experience with a patient with factiti
ous hypoglycaemia which remained undetected for weeks in a clinical re
search unit suggested that neither close observation nor screening by
a psychiatrist could rule out factitious disease. Therefore in 1977 I
suggested that the definition of brittle diabetes should be a patient
whose life was 'constantly disrupted by episodes of hypo- or hyperglyc
aemia, whatever their cause'. This was widely accepted and there was a
subtle shift towards regarding brittle diabetes as synonymous with re
current ketoacidosis. In the 1980s two English and one American group
investigated large series of such patients, using new methods to try t
o uncover a biochemical basis such as defective insulin absorption, ac
celerated degradation at insulin injection sites, and inappropriate se
cretion of various counterregulatory hormones. Most of these patients
were young overweight women and the eventual conclusion was that in mo
st the instability was self-induced. In the 1980s recurrent, often war
ningless, hypoglycaemia was recognized as a problem in its own right b
ut in this new generation was reborn as a problem of insulin pharmacok
inetics as Woodyatt originally conceived it.