A unified framework for shape from texture and contour is proposed. It
is based on the assumption that the surface markings are not systemat
ically compressed, or formally, that they are weakly isotropic. The we
ak isotropy principle is based on analysis of the directional statisti
cs of the projected surface markings. It builds on several previous th
eories, in particular by Witkin [25] and Kanatani [15]. It extends the
se theories in various ways, most notably to perspective projection. T
he theory also provides an exact solution to an estimation problem ear
lier solved approximately by Kanatani. The weak isotropy principle lea
ds to a computationally efficient algorithm, WISP, for estimation of s
urface orientation. WISP uses simple image observables that are shown
to be direct correlates of the surface orientation to compute an initi
al approximate estimate in a single step. In certain simple cases this
first estimate is exact. and in experiments with natural images it is
typically within 5-degrees of the final estimate. Furthermore, a proo
f is given that a rotationally symmetric contour of order three or hig
her is weakly isotropic. Hence, the WISP algorithm will without modifi
cation recover the orientation of any such contour from a perspective
view of it.