The presence of Pasteurella multocida in the oropharynx of 58 pig, cat
tle or rabbit breeders whose livestock had suffered from pasteurellosi
s was investigated using a selective medium. Blood samples for serolog
ical studies were collected at the same moment. Nineteen breeders were
found to host one P multocida subsp multocida strain. Oropharyngeal c
arriage of P multocida was found to be more frequent in pig breeders (
42% of individuals) than in cattle (10%) or rabbit (0%) breeders. Geno
mic polymorphism among 10 D2 strains was found by restriction endonucl
ease analysis using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (REA-PFGE). Antib
odies to P multocida were found in the sera of 32 of these 58 breeders
, whereas only 2 of the 70 controls had antibodies. These results, rec
orded from healthy individuals, show that P multocida, acting as an op
portunistic bacterium, may be responsible for occupational diseases. N
evertheless, the strong prevalence of specific antibodies makes the pr
esence of antibodies in the sera of these breeders an insufficient ind
ication of a current patent infection.