Most cognitive approaches to word association and some theories of soc
ial cognition converge on the notion that the performance of repetitiv
e behaviors should predict word association responses. To study this i
ssue, the authors examined the frequencies of free-association respons
es of 1,003 subjects to ambiguous words, some of which had subdominant
senses that were linked to repetitive behaviors (e.g., draft and alco
hol use). Results showed that three out of four measures of individual
differences in repetitive behaviors significantly predicted responses
for words linked to their respective behaviors. Gender, age, and lang
uage background were controlled for in these analyses. Although cognit
ive approaches suggested that an experimental manipulation of item pre
sentation (grouped vs. randomly mixed items) should influence response
s, this effect was not significant. Implications are discussed in term
s of theories of lexical ambiguity and implicit influences of memory f
or previous experiences.