The forging of sintered metal-powder preforms is currently arousing in
terest in many parts of the world as an economic method of producing c
omponents from metal powders. This paper reports on an investigation i
nto the various technological aspects of the cold forging of sintered
powder preforms. The influence of the powder particle size, the compac
ting pressure, the sintering temperature and other forging parameters
on the relative density of the preform has been investigated. Experime
nts were conducted which involved the forging of hollow discs of atomi
sed iron powder at room temperature under axisymmetric conditions. Mea
surements were made on the development of barrelling and strain variat
ions at the free surface. Crack formation at the free surface was obse
rved. The deformation characteristics and fracture mechanisms are disc
ussed critically, to illustrate the interaction of the various paramet
ers involved, and the results are presented graphically. Powder prefor
m design and techno-economic advantages are discussed briefly also.