Objective: This study used the concept of diagnostic stability to exam
ine the validity of three subtypes of major depression. Method: Patien
ts with major depressive disorder (N=424) were assigned baseline diagn
oses according to structured interviews and the Research Diagnostic Cr
iteria. Follow-up evaluations took place at 6-month intervals over the
next 5 years and annually for an additional 3 years. During. this per
iod 424, 246, 163, and 96 of the patients who had recovered from the i
ndex episode had one, two, three, and four recurrences, respectively,
of major depressive disorder. The kappa statistic was used to quantify
the likelihood that patients with the psychotic, agitated/retarded, o
r endogenous subtype of depression in a given episode would again mani
fest that subtype in subsequent episodes. Results: The psychotic subty
pe showed the most enduring diagnostic stability across multiple subse
quent episodes. Evert after three intervening episodes, patients with
baseline psychotic major depression were five times more likely to dev
elop a psychotic depression than were other depressed patients. For al
l three subtypes, diagnostic stability was greater for contiguous epis
odes than for noncontiguous episodes. Psychotic, agitated/retarded and
endogenous subtypes showed significant stability after control for th
e bipolar/unipolar and primary/secondary distinctions. The endogenous
subtype was stable among patients with primary depression but not amon
g those with secondary depression. Conclusions: The psychotic subtype
was the most valid of the subtypes tested from the perspective of diag
nostic stability. The fact that stability across adjacent episodes exc
eeded stability across more distantly spaced episodes may reflect stat
e-dependent determinants, and these are likely to vary by subtype.