In spite of the fact that official statistical data show lower cancer
morbidity of pediatric population in Russia than in Europe and USA (9.
7 against 13.8 and 13.6, respectively), real cancer incidence may be c
lose to mean incidence in Europe and USA as in Moscow it is 14.8 in bo
ys and 12.0 in girls. Lower numbers in some other regions may be attri
butable to low standards of cancer diagnosis and inadequate case regis
tration. In Moscow where standards of children's hematological service
are high the proportion-of some malignancies is the following, hemobl
astoses - 48.5%, CNS tumors - 19.8% neuroblastoma - 8.0%, renal tumors
- 6.5%, sarcomas of soft tissues and bones - 2.4 and 4.6%; respective
ly. The efficacy of anticancer treatment of children in many regions o
f Russia is poor, but the situation may be changed for the best by int
roduction of new approaches developed in the Moscow Research Institute
of Pediatric Hematology.