Cholera has been long associated with the seasonality of coastal algal
blooms off Bangladesh. Using fluorescent antibody (FA) techniques, mi
crobiologists have now identified a viable, non-cultivable form of Vib
rio cholerae in a wide range of marine life, including cyanobacteria (
Anabaena variabilis), diatoms (Skeletonema costatum), phaeophytes (Asc
ophyllum nodosum), in copepod molts, and in freshwater vascular aquati
c plants (water hyacinths and duckweed). In unfavorable conditions V.
cholerae assumes spore-like forms; with proper nutrients, pH and tempe
rature, it reverts to a readily transmissible and infectious state. Ni
trates and phosphates in sewage and fertilizers cause eutrophication,
and scientists report an increase in intensity, duration and shifts in
the biodiversity of algal blooms in many coastal, brackish and fresh
waters worldwide. V. cholerae has been isolated from phyto- and zoopla
nkton in marine and fresh waters near Lima, Peru. V. cholerae 01, biot
ype El Tor, serotype Inaba, may have arrived in the Americas in the bi
lge of a Chinese freighter. There, in the abundant coastal sea life al
ong the Latin American Pacific coast, nourished by the Humboldt curren
t and eutrophication, it found a reservoir for surviving unfavorable c
onditions. It is hypothesized that the algae and Vibrio populations gr
ew exponentially; consumed by fish, mollusks and crustacea, a heavy 'i
noculum' of carriers infected with V. cholerae was generated and trans
ported into multiple coastal communities.