It was found that the experimental results on the S--H-2 collisional s
ystem previously published were affected at low collision energy by an
experimental artefact. The correction primarily concerns the shape of
the angular distributions of the three competing channels: simple det
achment, reactive detachment and reactive charge transfer. The main co
nclusion of the previous paper stays unaffected, namely that, as for h
alide-H-2 systems, the trajectories leading at low collision energy to
these three channels have a common path in the reactive SH-H- ''valle
y'' after an adiabatic passage through the crossing seam between the t
wo S-HH and SHH- surfaces (diabatic with regard to the active electron
). This conclusion is now reinforced in the light of the newly measure
d angular distributions obtained for the three channels. Their evoluti
on with collision energy implies the existence of a unique short lived
SH2- species explored by three types of trajectories leading to R, RD
and SD channels. The role of the intermediate complex (SHH)(-) is inv
estigated using a combination of the symmetric top model and the oscil
lating complex model.