Sixty-five patients, aged 15 to 65 years, including 48 men (73.8%), we
re operated on for pulmonary (60) or endobronchial (5) hamartoma: ther
e were 36 enucleations, 17 lobectomies (1 sleeve resection), 7 wedge r
esections, 4 segmentectomies, and 1 pneumonectomy. The average tumor d
iameter was between 2 and 4 cm; 15 were calcified. Ah were benign. Two
were parts of an incomplete Carney's triad. Eight were associated wit
h carcinomas, and three of these were bronchial carcinomas. Concerning
these latter three tumors, a study of the incidence tables for northe
rn France and of the standardized mortality ratio showed that the risk
of bronchial cancer developing in patients with hamartoma, after a su
fficient follow-up (61 patients), was multiplied by 6.66, and the chi(
2) test showed a significant difference of incidence compared with tha
t in the general population (p < 0.001). It is concluded that patients
with hamartoma should be submitted to a complete evaluation and to a
regular follow-up.