After the disappearance of rabies after 1985 in the alpine county of G
armisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, the number of foxes shot has increased
considerably though with local variations. In the heterogenous northe
rn part of the country the greatest number of foxes were shot. Tempora
l and spatial differences in the fox hunting bag are not only a result
of differences in the fox density, but also of the hunting pressure.
In the hunting season 1991/1992 the number of foxes shot per km(2) rea
ched an all time high (0.86) for the county. However, the hunting pres
sure decreased this year as could be shown by a decrease in the yearly
proportion of juvenile foxes in a sample of dead animals. The main fo
x hunting season in the county Garmisch-Partenkirchen is during the wi