F. Lama et al., OPTICAL DESIGN OF AN EXTENDED RANGE PLANE GRATING MONOCHROMATOR FOR ABENDING MAGNET BEAMLINE, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 339(3), 1994, pp. 610-616
This paper describes the conceptual design of a bending magnet synchro
tron radiation beamline based on a double-incidence plane grating mono
chromator. One of the bending magnets of the ELETTRA storage ring has
been considered as a reference source assuming a beam energy of 1.5 Ge
V and a stored current of 400 mA. The monochromator covers the energy
range from 6 eV to 200 eV, with three gratings (one in normal incidenc
e and two in grazing incidence condition) achieving a resolving power
of the order of 10000 and delivering a photon flux of approximately 10
(13) [photons/s/1% bandwidth]. The image dimensions onto the sample ar
e 0.5x1 mm.