The interaction between the solar wind and the interstellar medium is
modeled self-consistently using numerical solutions of the time-depend
ent gasdynamic equations in spherical and cylindrical coordinates. For
the results presented here it is assumed that the solar system moves
through the surrounding medium with a supersonic velocity. After an in
itial (nonequilibrium) state has been specified, the numerical solutio
n follows the evolution in time until the interaction relaxes to a dyn
amic equilibrium. As would be expected, the solutions show the formati
on of a bow shock upstream of the traveling solar system to deflect th
e interstellar plasma around the cavity created by the solar wind. A t
ermination shock also forms to slow and compress the solar wind plasma
. For the simulation in spherical coordinates, the downstream portion
of the termination shock reaches equilibrium more than three times fur
ther from the Sun than the equilibrium distance to the termination sho
ck on the upstream side.