The paper presents an analysis of the risk of developing Type 2 diabet
es according to family history and anthropometric variables. The age o
f diabetes onset was analysed in 2024 diabetics. We obtained several g
roups according to family history. In each group taken separately, the
data describing the cumulative percentage of diabetes onset was fitte
d by logistic curve F(x) = pl(l + p2 p3(((x/10)-p4))). Comparing the
se curves we see that cumulative age-dependent risk increases from the
group of randomly chosen persons through the group of first degree re
latives to the children of diabetics. The highest risk of diabetes ons
et is determined by the curve representing the group of known diabetic
s. Another analysis was performed in a different group of 390 obese su
bjects (34 diabetics among them). Male diabetics had significantly hig
her body mass index (BMI) and weight than male non-diabetics. Female d
iabetics showed significantly higher weight, body mass index, waist to
hip ratio (WHR) and age than female non-diabetics. Elimination of fac
tors with randomization and matching showed a complicated relationship
between diabetes, age and anthropometric variables. Using stepwise lo
gistic regression we obtained the model for prediction of diabetes ris
k based on age, BMI, WHR: probability of diabetes = exp(u)/(l + exp(u)
), where u = -13.9 + 0.05431 age + 6.789 * WHR + 0.07881 * BMI for o
bese women, u = -11.84 + 10.01 a WHR for obese men. In conclusion, gen
etic factors are the most important and can be exactly quantified in T
ype 2 diabetes. The importance of anthropometric variables for predict
ion of diabetes risk is also presented.