Different phosphatic materials were synthesized by a reaction between
a phosphoric acid solution and the volcanic tuff or a mixture of volca
nic tuff + Ca(OH)2. After synthesis, the elements present in solution
were analysed, and the solids were studied by XRD, SEM and EDS. The fo
rmed products were : amorphous phosphates, aluminium phosphates (berli
nite type), calcium phosphates (apatite), calcium-aluminium phosphates
and silicophosphates. The crystallization of these mineral phases and
the amount of amorphous phosphates in the materials depend on the tem
perature and on the nature of the treated material. For the different
products, the P2O5 ratio varied from 6 to 18%. The extraction of solub
le phosphorus in simulated pedological conditions shows a low phosphat
ic solubility in water, and a good solubility in 2% citric acid and in
ammonium citrate. This provides an agronomical application of these m
aterials, for highly leached acidic or basic soils.