Objective: To compare the ability of normal versus heparinized saline
infusion to maintain patency of the radial artery catheter used for mo
nitoring or multiple blood sampling. Design: Randomized double-blind t
rial. Setting. A university-affiliated hospital. Patients: All 108 pat
ients admitted to the surgical intensive care unit who required radial
arterial line catheters. Excluded were patients who required emergenc
y admission, those who refused to give consent, those who needed antic
oagulants, thrombolytic or platelet therapy, those whose cannulation s
ite was other than the radial artery, inadvertent discontinuation of t
he arterial line or incomplete data collection. This resulted in a sam
ple of 78 adults, randomized according to date of admission. Intervent
ions: Forty patients admitted on odd-numbered dates received hepariniz
ed normal saline (2 units/mL), and 38 patients admitted on even dates
received normal saline, both as continuous flush solutions. Main Outco
me Measures: Measurement of radial artery flow and pressure before and
after cannulation, and catheter patency during cannulation. Results.
The type of flush solution did not adversely affect the radial artery
or the hand in any measurable way. Catheter blockage occurred in three
patients receiving heparinized saline and seven patients receiving no
rmal saline as the flush solution (p = 0.06). At 96 hours of cannulati
on, 92% of the catheters in the heparinized saline group were patent c
ompared with 74% in the normal saline group. Intra-arterial blood pres
sure was inaccurate compared with the brachial cuff pressure in 6 pati
ents in the heparinized saline group compared with 14 patients in the
normal saline group (p < 0.03). Conclusions. There is no significant d
ifference between flushing with normal saline and heparinized saline i
n the maintenance of radial arterial line patency. However, the use of
a continuous heparinized flush solution in pressurized arterial lines
is beneficial in that it results in greater accuracy of blood pressur
e monitoring than normal saline infusion.