Slices of pulp from human maxillary and mandibular molar and promolar
teeth were incubated with [H-3]-noradrenaline (0.2 mu mol/l) for 30 mi
n after which the [H-3]-noradrenaline and [H-3]-metabolites in the tis
sue and medium were assayed by column chromatography. The deaminated m
etabolites 3,4-dihydroxy phenyl glycol (DOPEG) and 3,4-dihydroxy mande
lic acid (DOMA) constituted 81% of the metabolites formed. Cocaine, an
inhibitor of uptake,, decreased the formation of DOPEG and DOMA as we
ll as the accumulation of [H-3]-noradrenaline. In contrast to findings
in rabbit pulp, when the disposition of exogenous noradrenaline in hu
man pulp was examined by monoamine fluorescence histochemistry there w
as no evidence of extraneuronal accumulation of noradrenaline by conne
ctive tissue cells. In further experiments, pulp that had been incubat
ed in [H-3]-noradrenaline (0.6 mu mol/l) for 30 min and superfused for
200 min contained [H-3]-noradrenaline (183 pmol/g) and [H-3]-DOMA (89
pmol/g). The H-3 that overflowed into the perfusate between 85 and 90
min consisted mainly of metabolites. Stimulation of the sympathetic n
erves through field electrodes increased the overflow of [H-3]-noradre
naline into the perfusate threefold without affecting the overflow of
metabolites. The increase was much greater (eightfold) in the presence
of an alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist (rauwolscine; 0.1 mu mol/l), plus
inhibitors of uptake, (desipramine; 0.3 mu mol/l) and uptake, (cortic
osterone; 0.1 mu mol/l). The results are interpreted as evidence that
in human dental pulp the disposition of exogenous noradrenaline is det
ermined largely by uptake by sympathetic nerves. After uptake, noradre
naline is deaminated by intraneuronal monoamine oxidase to DOPEG and D
OMA. The firm retention of noradrenaline by the pulp and its release b
y nerve stimulation implies that the amine is stored in intraneuronal