The aim of this study was to determine the role of histamine receptors
in the nose. The effects of intranasal histamine challenge were compa
red with those of a specific H1-receptor agonist, betahistine and a sp
ecific H2-receptor agonist, impromidine, in 11 normal individuals and
four with rhinitis. Sneezing, nasal irritation and hypersecretion were
induced by histamine and the H1-receptor agonist, betahistine only. N
asal airway resistance (Rna) was measured by passive anterior rhinoman
ometry. Histamine, betahistine and impromidine all induced rises in Rn
a in both normal individuals and those with rhinitis but histamine had
the most potent effect; the H2-receptor effect on Rna was predominant
over that of the H1-receptor. The sensitivity to all three agonists w
as greater in the individuals with rhinitis.