Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) decidual prolactin cDNA was cloned and
sequenced. The first 210 bp of the monkey sequence is not contiguous t
o the human pituitary prolactin transcription initiation site. Reverse
transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Southern analysi
s confirmed that this 5'-extended prolactin transcript is present in m
onkey decidua but not in pituitary. Isolation and sequencing of a part
ial genomic monkey prolactin clone verified the nucleotide changes fou
nd in the rhesus cDNA. Comparison of the rhesus decidual prolactin cDN
A to the human pituitary cDNA revealed more than 97% homology between
the two. These data indicate that monkey prolactin mRNA from the decid
ualized endometrium of pregnancy contains unique 5' sequence not prese
nt in pituitary prolactin mRNA, suggesting the use of an alternative s
tart site. Thus it is likely that the decidua uses promoter and regula
tory regions different from those reported for pituitary prolactin.