HIFI (ESPRIT Project 6532) creates a set of tools to allow a reader to
access a large body of heterogeneous information, managed by external
databases created before hand, through a hypertext interface, Informa
tion currently found in information systems is based on different medi
a and is usually managed by different tools, like relational databases
and a variety of multimedia database systems. Sometimes the need aris
es to 'browse' through the information using an interactive and intuit
ive interface. Hypertext is probably the best current means for intera
ctive (and possibly; intuitive) navigation through a heterogeneous bod
y of information. Available hypertext tools, however, are usually seen
as being for managing their own information rather than being an inte
rface for accessing external databases. The HIFI approach is based on
a model-based description of the hypertext application, as it appears
to the reader. A declarative and/or operational mapping translates hyp
ertext operations (search, queries and navigation) into operations on
the underlying information base and also 'materialises' hypertext obje
cts, using objects of the underlying databases. The system also implem
ents methodologies to support the hypertext interface development proc
ess. Real-life applications will be developed to show the validity of
the approach, with the cooperation of important end-users who will coo
perate with the project directly, either as partners or sponsors.