Thermal recycling of waste paper and board means energy recovery by ei
ther combustion or gasification. The energy value (FIM/MWh) of waste p
aper, landfilling regulations and quality demands on recycled fibre sp
eak in favour of an increase in thermal recycling. Experience with mod
ern power production technology shows that waste paper and board are f
lood fuels with very low or negligible air and solid emissions. Non-re
cyclable paper is already being used as fuel by the forest industry to
gether with coal and other fuels in hog fuel boilers. The whole ''Recy
cling Island'' producing recycled fibre could rely on waste paper aton
e to cover its energy and raw material needs, thereby combining fibre
recovery and energy recovery. In the future, low-quality and non-recyc
lable waste paper will be one of the solid fuels for small-scale power