The object of this work was to evaluate in vitro maturation of follicu
lar oocytes from the ovaries of prepubertal goats obtained from the sl
aughterhouse. To obtain the oocytes, follicles were dissected and clas
sified according to their diameters. In the first experiment, oocytes
were matured in vitro with granulosa cells. No significant differences
were detected in the percentages of maturation between adult and prep
ubertal goat oocytes recovered from follicles of 2.5 to 6.0 mm in diam
eter (81.82 vs 72.47%, respectively). The percentage of maturation inc
reased to 88.0% in prepubertal goat oocytes recovered from follicles o
f 2.5 to 6.0 mm in diameter (81.82 vs 72.47%, respectively). The perce
ntage of maturation increased to 88.0% in prepubertal goat oocytes fro
m 3.0 to 6.0-mm follicles. In the second experiment, the percentage of
maturation of prepubertal goat oocytes was greater after 27 than afte
r 24 h. In the third experiment, the maturational capacity of prepuber
tal goat oocytes according to follicular diameter was evaluated. The p
ercentages of maturation after 27 h of culture with no granulosa cells
were 24.14, 56.60 and 74.78%, respectively, for follicles 1.0 to 1.9
mm, 2.0 to 2.9 mm, and 3.0 to 6.0 mm in diameter. As the follicular di
ameter increased, growth of the oocyte as well as a greater number of
oocytes with more cumulus cell layers were observed. A correlation bet
ween the diameter of the oocyte and its competence to complete in vitr
o maturation was also observed. Oocytes with more cumulus cell layers
showed only a slight superiority in their capacity for maturation in l
arge-size follicles (3.0 to 6.0 mm), but the difference was not signif
icant. In conclusion, oocytes from prepubertal goats complete their gr
owth and reach meiotic competence in follicles larger than 3.0 mm. Wit
h these oocytes it is possible to obtain in vitro maturation results s
imilar to those from adult goats.