The surface crystallography of a single Si(111) 7x7 crystal has been i
nvestigated, for the first time, using high-angular resolution (+/-1 d
egrees) X-ray photoemission diffraction measurements. Polar scans of t
he Si2p core-level intensity have been measured along the principal az
imuthal directions of the Si(lll) substrate. Observation of prominent
forward scattering features along with fine structure characteristic o
f a given azimuth, allow us to identify unambiguously the orientation
of the substrate and more specially to distinguish the opposite [1 $($
) over bar$$ 21] and [($) over bar 12 $$($) over bar 1] directions. Th
e forward scattering peaks correspond to the [111], [011] and [11 $$($
) over bar 1] ([111] and [100]) low-index directions along the [1 $($)
over bar$$ 21] ([($) over bar 12 $$($) over bar 1]) azimuth and to th
e [111] and [($) over bar 131] crystallographic axis along the [TIG] a
zimuth. The maximum polar intensity anisotropy, measured as (Imax-Imin
)/Imax, is similar to 51% for the peak located at normal emission. Imp
rovement of angular resolution results in a strong enhancement of the
profile contrast, and much fine structure which cannot be explained in
the simple forward focusing picture. Such data can be used to test th
e capabilities of single and multiple scattering simulations.